Specifically, everybody knows that there are some people who just Not Be Allowed To Handle A Gun.
(Sure, it's your right. Go ahead and buy one. But if you don't know what you're doing ... get training!)
Here, a minor selection of War Stories, and suggested war stories:
Irons in the Fire: Someone had a post on 'Things a Range Safety Officer sees':
,,, but I can add a couple of things: Walk right in with a semi-auto rifle with a magazine in place, and when asked to remove the mag and lock the bolt back demonstrate that you don't know how. People will just love watching you demonstrate this. On a very busy day demand that you and a friend want two separate lanes. When told no say "We've been coming here for years, and today you start giving us crap?" Because everyone likes an argument while the line behind you is building.
I looked it up, and found a couple of links on the internet (of course) which had a few juicy war stories.
One of them is at Redit "Lets Hear Your Range Horror Stories".
Another at The Firing Line forum site.
(Just as an experiment, I searched YouTube for "incompetent people with guns on ranges", and got more hits than were appropriate; mostly in the category of "Idiot Lets Girlfriend Shoot .50 Caliber Pistol And Laughs When It Hurts Her". Not worthy trying to refine my search.)
Stupid, but interesting. (No, not the blogger [IRONS] but the people we sometimes meet ... especially at Major Matches.)
Or on Training Sessions.
My FIRST DAY at training "Introduction to USPSA folks, I had 13 people attend.
I had nobody helping me out, to (for example) act as a DEMONSTRATOR so new shooters could see how they should act. It was a hectic experience, because there no criteria about "experience in competitive shooting" or "familiarity with your firearm". Anyone who wanted to take the class was accepted. Many of the people who attended were either unfamiliar with basich firearms safety rules, or with the firearm they were using.
One guy failed to put his pistol on SAFE before holstering. I told him he had to do that, and he replied: "Oh, this gun doesn't have a safety".
It was a 1911. He had never bothered to explore what function that little flipper on the left side of his pistol served. He never came back; good choice.
I've become more selective over the years.
1 comment:
It is all just standard human nature. We live in an imperfect world.
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