One of the very, very few subscription list which I have joined in my (mumble mumble) years of Geekistic Presence is "THIS IS TRUE", a listserve group which I have joined several times during the last 10+ years.
Randy Cassingham has the unique ability to find the most bizarre stories on The NET, tell it straight, and give that tricky little twist as a punch-line.
Often imitated (sometimes by me), never duplicated ... let alone topped, Cassingham has managed to keep me amused foryears.
The "Hilllary" lines are only one of the examples which keep me coming back again and again. Indeed, I've embedded his "Get Out Of Hell Free Cards" in my personal life, giving them to shooters at USPSA matches and also at least one to each and every student at the "Introduction to USPSA" classes I teach.
If you're not easily convinced, go to Randy's Jumbo Jokes website for an example.