It's an old story, reminiscent of the surge in gun sales when Barack Obama was elected President.
You never need a gun, until you really need one. That's the story.
Apparently, folks in the Saint Louis area expect they will 'really need one'.
Riots, of course. Also known as "Civic Disturbances" (not to be confused with "Civil Unrest" because there's nothing 'civil' about a Race Riot), the population expects that police officer Whatshisname will be acquitted of murder charges, and the fine, gentle Citizens (much like Michael Brown was a 'gentle giant'?) will be tossing beer barrels, overturning police cruisers and torching Korean grocery stores.
Unless the Koreans have their AK47's handy. Which may evince more protection of private property than will the PO-lice and their MRAPs (or whatever ...)
- Islam is the Nation of Peace!
- Obama to enforce Immigration Laws!
- "Global Warming" is now "Global Cooling"
Well, one out of three ain't bad, in the Teens of the 21st Century.
File this under: "What a Maroon!"
File this under: "What a Maroon!"