Thursday, September 26, 2019


What do I believe in?

I believe in Humanity.

I believe in the willingness of one person to sacrifice himself for the benefit of another.

If I don't believe in that, I can't believe in ANYTHING!

I believe that any of us can find a way, a time, a moment, when we "give up" a part of our self to help make a life better for one, or all, of our fellow man.

I believe in People.  I believe that making life for the next person is not only a way that we can make the world better, but a way to make The World a better place.  I think it's our duty.

I don't have to "Give Up" a part of myself to achieve this goal, but instead we make ourself a better person ... a better neighbor ... by sacrificing our personal goals.

I think we gain more by sacrifice than by achievement.

I think we expand our lives by giving, better than demanding, achievements.

What do YOU think?

Okay ... you think I'm being a Dork.

What's wrong with being a Dork?


Mark O said...

yeah, but you are my favorite dork.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, you are still sane.

Anonymous said...

Being a dork is better than being woke.

Anonymous said...

Woke is the new majority,

Anonymous said...

Humanity seems to be on a downhill curve.

Anonymous said...

I think humanity may be beyond the point of salvation. We are in a downward doom spiral. :-(

Anonymous said...

Newcomers are the new humanity for the U.S.