Monday, June 23, 2014

Mississippi has 2nd highest rate of gun deaths

Mississippi has 2nd highest rate of gun deaths:

In addition to hospitality and humidity, Mississippi also is among the leaders in the nation for gun deaths, according to a report issued by a crime prevention advocacy group.
 In fact, the Magnolia State has the second highest rate of gun deaths – at nearly 18 deaths per 100,000 residents – in the country, following neighbor Louisiana perched at the top of the list compiled by the Violence Policy Center.

Do these studies include suicides?
I ask because I have driven through Mississippi .. this is the only state where I saw a man plowing a field behind a mule.  If that was my only choice, I would be sorely tempted to suicide.

 The study found that states with weak gun violence prevention law and higher rates of gun ownership tend to have more gun deaths, while states with stricter laws and lower ownership, such as Rhode Island, have much lower rates of gun-related deaths.
Do these studies include Chicago and Washington, D.C.?  I thought not.   These are among the municipalities with the highest murder rates in the nation .. and with the most strict gun-control laws.

It isn't the laws, it's the society.

Personal to Josh Sugarman:
When you insist that more laws are needed, you're not paying attention to reality.  The laws only work for the people who are inclined to obey the laws.  When the people ignore the laws .. the law-abiding have no 'fall-back' options.  And it is this option which you are attempting to remove.

I would call you a stupid f**king Son-of-a-Bitch, but I'm pretty sure you know exactly what you are doing.  You don't care about the people; you only care about the laws.  Well, that and promoting a sinecure by which you can profit from the misery of millions.  It's not being Socially Responsible, but (given certain mendacious criteria) one cannot call it "Stupid".

I take back the "stupid" part.
The "F**king Son-of-a-Bitch" part, however, seems entirely appropriate.

 In Mississippi, more than half of its residents own guns. 

Where are the statistics? I don't trust the VPC (agenda-driven at best) and any time they make a bold statement such as this .. without showing supportive sources AND without referencing death rates by cause by state ... it sounds just like a LIE to me.

There are Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.  In your case, you don't even bother with Statistics.

That shows how believable you are, doesn't it?

"Gun violence is preventable, and states can pass effective laws that will dramatically reduce gun death and injury," states VPC Executive Director Josh Sugarmann. "Our analysis also shows that states with weak gun violence prevention laws and easy access to guns pay a severe price with gun death rates far above the national average."

Yes gun violence IS preventable; but states can NOT legislate "...the rate of gun deaths and injury".   That's just so much hogwash; you and VPC know it. There was never a law which would not be broken; and every time a death results from a broken law, VPC and their (your) agenda-driven cronies are first to announce that: "We Need tougher Laws!"

As if firearms are not the most highly regulated retail product in the world.  Pthaaaa!

[end personal]

VPC is a hope-and-dream organization, hiding their propaganda behind un-cited statistics in pursuit of their hidden agenda; to totally eliminate firearms from the American culture.

And if their dream is realized, then this country is reduced to Rule By Brute Force.
Anyone who is bigger and stronger, and able to intimidate the weak, can dominate the American public.

At least, those who cannot afford to hire armed body-guards is subject to Rule by  Brute Force.

VPC, the Brady Bunch ... they seem comfortable with taking away YOUR means of self-defense.  When they go out in public, they and their lackeys are invariably accompanied by armed guards.

(See, for example, here, and here.) (But also see here.)

That is just how comfortable they are, in their elitist/well-funded status.

A pox on both your houses!

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