Monday, June 23, 2014

5 Dead, 19 Wounded in Weekend Chicago Violence | NBC Chicago

5 Dead, 19 Wounded in Weekend Chicago Violence | NBC Chicago: Latest homicide took place around 7:30 p.m. near 55th Street and Lake Shore Drive

So, it was a relatively quiet weekend in Chicago?

Mayor Rahm: Has it occurred to you that "Hope and Change" isn't working for you?  Maybe you should .. I don't know .. actually DO something more than merely HOPING that things will CHANGE! Has that proved to be an inadequate method of leadership?

Just believing really HARD in Fairies isn't going to keep Tinker Bell alive.

Just thought I would mention that; feel free to ignore my hopeful wishes.  You've ignored your constituents, so this shouldn't prove very difficult for you.

After all, you're only responsible for the welfare the entire city of Chicago.  You managed to ignore the welfare of a Nation for years.   This should be a slam-DUNK for you!


Anonymous said...

1 in 5 who are shot in Chicago may die. Does this show a lack of marksmanship skills on the part of Chicago's gangbangers?

Jerry The Geek said...

I don't know. What do YOU think? My guess is that (a) they get up really close before they shoot, or (b) they shoot a lot of bullets and eventually one or more of those shots does deblitating damage.

I'm inclined toward (b), since many of the 'hits' (according to definitive resources in Chicago) report that more people are wounded than killed in Chicago.

On the other hand ... is the person 'hit' the person 'aimed at'? Your comment seems to imply otherwise. Are you a Chicago gang-banger with personal experience?