Monday, June 23, 2014

Fifty Five OH Thousand Dollars Worth of SQUAT in Chicago!

Money for nothing: State paid UIC $498,355 for subpar study | Early & Often:
(June 21, 2014)
The state spent almost half a million dollars on a flawed study of Gov. Pat Quinn’s now-defunct anti-violence program — the Neighborhood Recovery Initiative — after officials rejected a more rigorous evaluation that would have been free, auditors say.
Of course we're glad that the Governor of Illinois has made some effort .. not matter how feeble, to reduce the level of "Gun Violence" (Which equates to Violence regardless of the mechanism) in Chicago.

Unfortunately, our expectations were somewhat higher than his; we would have expected (had we knowb the effort was being made) that some suggestions to resolve the situation would have been made.

It's not an entirely BAD result; that SOMEBODY was at least recognizing that there Is A Problem in Chicago (not that Mayor Rahm Emmanuel has noticed) can be counted as A Good Thing.

Too bad no solutions were offered by the study.
Too bad that a bunch of weasels ignored the situation long enough for the contract to run out.
Too bad nobody took the problem seriously.
Too bad that kids are still shooting each other on the Mean Streets of Chicago.
But HEY!  Somebody noticed that there was a problem; should have been worth something!

I'm been blogging about Chicago Hoodlums for quite a while .. I would gladly have identified the SYMPTOMS of Chicago's murder rate for ... oh, I don't know .. 10% of the cost?

What a bunch of freaking morons .., they spent enough to buy every gun on the street a hundred times over, and for NOTHING?                

Chicago (Mayor Rahm ...) here's the solution and I give it to you for free.  It isn't Gun Laws; it's societal fixes.

Make jobs for kids, and for fathers.  I don't care if it's for fixing the potholes in the streets or .. I don't know, finding lost dogs?

It will cost you a LOT less than the price of of incarcerating Kids Gone Wrong.  And it will give your people some pride ... which they can now only find by shooting each other.

For $500,000, what could you have done for Your People?

Never mind, it doesn't matter. You have already thrown away your best chance to really Make A Difference.

Of course, it wouldn't have looked as sexy in the newspapers as having Funded A Study ... even if it  did come up bonkers.

Freakin'' Liberal Dorks!
You don't even know how to run a STUDY!
I wonder how much of that $500,000 went into your pockets!
Never mind; I expect Mayor Rahm to be buing a new penthouse or something RSN

He'll probably sublet it out to The Pres next month.

And they wonder why we hate them so?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Political payoffs involved. It's the Chicago way.