Friday, June 06, 2014

Billary, Junior

Michelle Obama for Senate? Speculation Rages - Minutemen News:
(June 06, 2014)
With more than two years remaining as first lady, there’s speculation Michelle Obama may seek election as a U.S. senator, according to Keith Koffler, editor of the website White House Dossier.

“She’s raised her profile a lot, she’ll have pressure from Democrats to get in and pick up a GOP seat, and her own strong commitment to left wing values will help impel her to make the race — to continue to ‘make a difference’” he wrote in a June 5 post on the website.

This will be the SECOND time she has been proud of her country, right?

I don't think I could bear another Obama continuing to make a difference.   How's that "make a difference" thingie working for us so far?

Given her husband's lackluster record in the Senate, and Barry's disgraceful record in the Executive Branch  (broken promises, lies, lack of transparencies, etc. ad nauseum) ... America couldn't hope for a less bright future than with the First Lady making her husband the First Gentleman.

To have BO followed into the congressional milieu by MO would the ultimate degradation of our electoral system.  It would be following inexperienced incompetence with ... well, even more inexperienced incompetence.

The good news?  She has a snowball's chance in hell of "picking up a GOP seat".   The Democrats must be hurting for candidates in the next Illinois Senatorial election, if they're putting out feelers like this.

The bad news?

Everything else, including and especially that Democrats have allowed even these tentative 'feelers' to be published.

Remember all those Democrats who promised to leave the country if Bush was elected (or re-elected)?

Now I know how they felt.   It bodes ill for an sort of coalition between the two warring parties.

Aren't we TIRED of both parties proposing idiots for national office?  Where have all the good men gone?  If our country is so devoid of viable candidates (and I can't think of one in either party, for any national office), we might as well phone in our votes for "None of the Above"  (see "Brewster's Millions").

Oh!  There's an idea?  How about a write-in vote for Richard Pryor for Illinois Senator?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suspect a lot of Illinois democrats would feel good about themselves if they voted for Michelle. Remember, in Illinois republicans are almost an endangered species, and as Chicago/Cook Co. goes, so goes the rest of the state. Michelle is a daughter born and bred of Chicago.