Thursday, November 19, 2015

it's never a waste of time to watch a Liberal politician make a total ass of herself in public.

Dem Lawmaker Schakowsky: ISIS Paris Attacks "Chilling Reminder" that US Needs Stricter Gun Laws (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit:

Democrat Rep. Jan Schakowsky from Illinois told SiriuxXM radio that the Paris terrorist attacks last week were a “chilling reminder” that the U.S. needs more restrictive gun laws. France has some of the strictest gun laws in the West. Only terrorists and criminals are packing heat. Via News Alert:
Sometimes the best I can do is to find someone who has pertinent information, and just pass it along.
This is one of those times.

Go Clicky.  It's not long at all.

You'll enjoy it. Trust me.

(For more idiocy from the same source:  See Here!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gun violence in Chicago and Cook Co. appears to have a racial component.
Just Call Me Anon