Thursday, March 17, 2016

What Liberals Can Learn From the N.R.A.

What Liberals Can Learn From the N.R.A. - The New York Times:
(March 11, 2015)
VILIFYING the National Rifle Association’s tactics has long been standard practice among liberals. ... Rather than demonize the N.R.A.’s strategies, liberals should emulate them. The organization is, after all, the most effective civil rights group in the United States today.  
This may be the first time that Liberals have been able to put aside their hatred of the NRA and take a close and careful look at just WHY this bunch of "Tiny-Dick 'publicans" have managed to make their message heard .... and their power respected.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I doubt liberals can learn anything from the NRA. Liberals already know everything about everything. they are all wise. Just ask one.