Saturday, October 24, 2015

Worshiping at the altar of FIREPOWER!

A Religious Experience: Knob Creek Night Shoot - The Firearm Blog:

Ahhhh ... pure macho bliss!
The Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot is, for me, a yearly pilgrimage to all things automatic. With machine guns roaring every hour, vendors and purveyors of all things ballistic in abundance, and fellow enthusiasts all around, its better than being a Cubs Fan at the World Series (if they ever make it). Each year, the night shoot is the highlight of my trip. For 15 minutes, freedom is espoused from hundreds of machine guns across a bevy of all calibers. The cacophony of noise is utterly exhilarating, but sadly, the fun can only be had behind the firing line until now.

I know this has been posted elsewhere, but not everyone watches The Firearm Blog every day.
This is for "The Rest Of Us".


Mark said...


Anonymous said...

A cacophony of death and gun violence. Such spectacles do not do our cause any good.

Mark said...

Hey Anon, get a life. This is just good clean and explosive fun.