"300" (the guy even looks like the gentleman who plays Laertes).
Probably, the techniques they propose are do-able if you're a super-quick, super-aggressive buffed up guy who has a LOT of training.
For the Average Geek, it looks like Suicide by Mugger.
The demonstrator does not fail to pay homage to the "Give Up Your Stuff -- It's Only Stuff" mantra, and this seems responsible to me.
And certainly, breaking or burning a hand when the grab-the-gun technique is a little bit too slow to be 100% effective is better than getting shot in the face.
Still, I think this can safely be slotted into the "Desperation Moves" category for the Average Geek.
I'm not sure I'm physically capable of doing this.
The theory is good:
When you're confronted with an armed assailant, and he tells you "Hands Up!", during that process ("he is expecting you to move your hands"), you transform the motion into grabbing his pistol and twisting it away from your body, and away from his trigger-finger hand so he is less likely to reactively pull the trigger.
(Somewhere in here there is some verbiage about blocking the hammer with your other hand, but it sounds like even the demonstrator isn't all that convinced that this is going to happen.)
During this movement, you rotate the pistol over 180 degrees, so that it breaks the trigger-finger of the aggressor. After that, you relax the tension on the gun so that the broken trigger-finger doesn't interfere with your pulling the pistol out of his hand.
No, I'm pretty sure I couldn't do this without a lot of training and practice.
Maybe you're a better athlete than I am (Well, that's almost a 100% certainty), but it still smacks of desperation.
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