Saturday, August 20, a few (4? 6? 8?) PNW bloggers will doff their pajamas and climb into the cleanest-smelling bluejeans they can find in the laundry for an afternoon at the range in Portland, Oregon.
As is typical of the most important technical conferences, this one will begin with lunch.
Lunch is noonish at BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse on Center Street in Jantzen Beach. (This is on the West side of the I5 Freeways, I think around Exit 302).
After lunch, the whole shootin' match will move over to the shootin' range: "The Place To Shoot" at 940 N. Haden Meadows Drive ... which is located on the EAST side of the freeeway.
There was some discussion of a BBQ afterwards, but I can't speak to that.
I'll be bringing my IPSC pistols, plus the .41 Magnum Blackhawk affectionately known as "The Hand Cannon". IIRC, TPTS allows magnum pistols to be fired on their range, so be prepared to double-up on ear protection.
I have no idea what kinds of firepower the other participants will bring, but it's a great opportunity to shoot each other's pistols for fun and bragging rights. If you plan to attend, you might want to bring something to shoot. That is, something I've never shot before, because I'll want to shoot it. Bring plenty of ammunition, okay?
My main priority will be to meet new chums, and take a LOT of photographs.
You'll recognize The Geek. I'll be wearing my "Usual Suspects" hat.
See the photo in the upper right-hand corner of the blog? That isn't it.
This is it.
Ugly looking thing, eh?
The cap is starting to look a little shabby, too.
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