Monday, August 13, 2018

"Everytown" campaign to limit Constitution

EVERYTOWN FOR ... whatever .... wants to undermine MY RIGHT to defend my person, my family, and my property from would-be criminals who are younger, stronger and more violent.

(Yes, they want to undermine your 2nd Amendment rights, too.   But I take their attack personally, so this is all about me.  If you feel the same way, you can write your own damn article.)

EVERYTOWN uses loaded phrases such as "common-sense public safety measures"  to obfuscate their intent to limit my American freedoms.

They think that "local governments" should have the power to legislate against my constitutional rights.

They blame the only organized effort to support the constitution (cough NRA cough) for the fact that *only* 40 states defend my rights, even if EVERYTOWN apparently thinks I'm too irresponsible to deserve those rights.
 (I wonder why the other 10 states don't think I'm competent to make my own decisions.  My country liked me just fine when they drafted me in 1969 and sent me to Viet Nam. Oh, and they gave me a gun, too!)
Here's what Everytown for not-me has to say:

State Firearm Preemption Laws: Bottom Line: As the result of a concerted lobbying campaign by the National Rifle Association, more than 40 states have passed broad firearm preemption laws that specifically prohibit local governments from adopting reasonable gun laws tailored to local conditions. These laws prevent local mayors and police chiefs — the officials most familiar with local criminal activity and how to address it — from passing common-sense public safety measures designed to keep their communities safe.
[emphasis added]
As Bugs Bunny would say: "What a maroon!"
These people think they know better than me how I should live my life!

I think it's great that local officials can't deny my constitutional rights.  I'm amazed at the gall of NotMyTown that they so boldly suggest local officials could take away my rights  to conform to "local conditions".     There are no "local conditions".  There's just me, and then there's everyone else.  I'm looking out for me; everyone else is on their own.  The police are doing a fine job, but they can't protect me as an individual; only I can do that.

 (Police are not responsible for personal protection of an individual ... but you know that.)

To paraphrase a notorious Mexican Bandido: I don't need no stinkin' "Everytown"!

Oh, and as for "Reasonable Gun Laws"?
Here's the deal: there are no reasonable gun laws, because Second Amendment.

We're not a group of "communities" which get to decide what our individual rights are; we are a NATION of free men and women who are united under a statement of what rights cannot be taken from us ... only violated.

America is the first nation in the WORLD to document our individual rights; to guarantee them, and to protect them.

But EVERYTOWN has its own agenda, which does not recognize the validity of the Constitution, and that's just one more reason why people who think for themselves reject their "we know better than you" philosophy.    They would treat us like children, they being the only adults in the room, and they can't imagine why Donald Trump is president instead of Hillary. 
I don't want a government which rules me; I want a government which serves me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chicago, and numerous other cities, are good examples of local mayors and chiefs of polices as crime fighters.