Monday, April 02, 2018

Hillary Clinton: Australia Gun Ban 'Worth Looking At'

We are SO HAPPY that The Hillary-Ceast was not elected President!

During the 2015 Presidential Campaign, Hillary Clinton ( in a response to a question) suggested that "The Australian Solution is worth looking at".

Hillary Clinton: Australia Gun Ban 'Worth Looking At':
The Australian government as part of trying to clamp down on the availability of…weapons offered a good price for buying hundreds of thousands of guns and basically clamped down going forward, in terms of having more of a background check approach–more of a permitting approach.
In the actual event, although the Australian government seemed to offer "a good price", there was no good price; since the firearms (previously legal) were soon to be "no longer legal", the firearms were confiscated at a pennys-on-the-dollar price because ... they were arbitrarily "illegal", and nobody could legally buy them.    There WAS no market.

So the expectation that they were bought "at a good price" was just a politically mandated confiscation.

Nothing more, nothing less.

And this was what Hillary Rodham Clinton expected to impose on the (previously free and constitutionally protected against "confiscation without compensation" American Public.

During her 2015 campaign, "The Hillary Beast" made it a part of her political platform that firearms confiscation from legal gun owners seemed to be A Good Idea ... one which was legitimized by the Australian Confiscation.

Had hillary been elected, honest Americans who possessed firearms would have been treated like criminals.  Their property would have been confiscated, they would have been held up to public ridicule by the Liberal Press when they protested, and America would have sunk deeper into the liberal abyss.

This was an unconstitutional action which has been espoused by liberal websites, including:

The Daily KOS

The Huffington Post

 ... and every other Liberal anti-gun website which believes that the4 Second Amendment is SOoooo 19th Century!

One wonders whether the same people would be so eager to undermine the FIRST amendment, which allows them to publish unpopular essays.

(This one is a good example)

\\PS:  Yes, I'v aware that the timing of publication is inappropriate.  Sometimes something gets stuck in your craw, and it takes a while to spit it out.  That don't make it wrong.


Anonymous said...

And on the other side of the pond in a gun free Britain, the number of murders this year in London have surpassed those in NYC. Only in London they don't use guns to kill people, they use knives.

Mark said...

but she won't go away.