Friday, November 17, 2017

Taxing a Constitutional Right?

Paying for the Second Amendment – Baptist News Global:
What about a Second Amendment Reparations Tax, levied on all American households and corporations? If the Second Amendment is essential to American identity, and if additional firearm-related legislation is a long time coming (if ever), then why not create a communal fund to assist those families and institutions devastated by inevitable gun violence? Such a FEMA-administered reparations tax would commit all of us to the task of “binding up the wounds” created by firearm violence. If we can’t affect the laws, the least we can do is help pay for the funerals.
I was raised a Baptist; this kind of "Holier-Than-Thou" mindset is why I am no longer a Baptist.

Here's an alternative solution:  What about a First Amendment Reparations Tax?   How about we remove the tax exemption for churches whose ministers preach against Rights guaranteed by the same constitution that guarantees freedom of speech and religion?    If you feel that strongly about “binding up the wounds”, pay for it out of your own pocket.   Don't steal from mine.

 And don't demonize Second Amendment supporters with one side of your face while you want to tax us with the other side.   Your article bemoans the attack of innocents in a church, and rightly so; it was a heinous crime.    If you want to be safe from this kind of attack, hold church in a National Guard Armory.   That's where gun shows are held, and they're not being subjected to violence.

Because everybody has guns there, nobody uses them.

Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition.  I bet you know that song.
It's got a good beat, and you can dance to it.  I give it an 85% rating.

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