Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Appendix Carry: oh, THAT'S gonna leave a mark!

I've always wondered about this.   Curiously, I made sort of an ... oblique (if it's not facetious of me to use the word here) reference to the possibility only recently.

Unfortunately, there's nothing "facetious" about it, when the (easily foreseen) consequences actually occur:
SayUncle  Use a holster: Still pointing the gun at the workers, Pouncy stooped over to collect the cash, Antonietti said. Shifting the gun in his waistband as he ran out, he apparently pulled the trigger, firing a bullet that struck him in the penis, Antonietti said.
 I am NOT going to 'snicker' here, or make any remark which might be inadvertently interpreted as to reference the inability of really stupid people to pass their genetic hindsight to their (now unlikely) progenity.

(Give me a moment; I'm still laughing at the fool!)

Please don't do that whole "appendix carry" thing on my range.  I have a sick sense of humor, and it's going to be difficult for me to phone for an ambulance while I'm laughing out loud at the stupidity of people who think that "Appendix Carry" is A Good Idea.

And you're bleeding? DUH!

It;s hard not to laugh at a man ex-man who will never get 'hard' again because he just shot his dick off.

Rule Number One: Never Point Your Gun At Anything You Don't Intend to SHOOT!


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