Monday, June 15, 2015

What is it about Military Service that makes women kill themselves?

Suicide rate of female military veterans is called 'staggering' - LA Times:
New government research shows that female military veterans commit suicide at nearly six times the rate of other women, a startling finding that experts say poses disturbing questions about the backgrounds and experiences of women who serve in the armed forces.
Female suicides are a quarter of male suicides among non-vets.

But female vets kill themselves 4 time more often than non-vets ... compared to male vets and male non-vets.

Is it the pressure of serving?  Or are there more pressures (such as the high degree of sexual predation among serving women) which causes this high mortality rate?

I've always been a staunch supporter of women in the military.I grok the "Upper Body Strength" limitations which make it problematic for them to tote their heavier wounded male comrade from the battle field, and I know it's bullshit.

I also know that males may be so overprotective of females that they may put female well-being ahead of the mission.  That's the Male Soldier problem.

But has the American Military made the environment so stressful for female military that suicide has become an acceptable norm?

Again ... that's a Male Soldier problem.

But the female soldiers have been paying the price.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The key phrase is "government research shows". Color me a cynic, but I take government research with more than a grain of salt. Government research has show all sorts of dire things that never came to pass. Government research has shown that the last few years have been the hottest in recorded history. Yea right.