Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Quote of the day—Cody Fenwick. | The View From North Central Idaho: It’s time we start thinking a little more boldly and demanding much more. We should consider abolishing private gun ownership. …
For those who appreciate Joe's efforts to high-light the Idiocy of the Left (which needs no introduction), I do encourage you to go to the original post AND READ THE COMMENTS!

You have to work your way through a couple pages of The Usual Idiots, but when you notice that there ARE comments of more than 5 lines, you may want to pay attention.

There are a couple of threads which are not typical of the Usual Suspects (Gun Control Comments).

Commentators of opposing opinions demonstrate there show to have a civil, reasoned dialogue.  Who knew THIS could happen?   What's more, they find a few points on which they might agree ... albeit with certain reservations.    Nobody was asking for a quid pro quo negotiation (eg: "I'll give up a flash-hider and a bayonet lug for pistol grips").

None of the petty, irritating, divisive rot.

Its all about the real meaning of the Second Amendment, how it came to be in its present form, and what a Constitutional Convention might consider to clarify the meaning as assumed from either side of the issue.

Some people express themselves better when they have time to think it through.  And in that comfort zone, they're not on the defensive,

I love it when educated citizens of sensibility and good will actually find and accept the opportunity to communicate.

Which goes to prove that the wise man can still learn from the Village Idiot.

(Are you listening, Cody?   No?  I didn't expect you were.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yet the Constitution plainly states that our rights are divine rights, from God, not man or government. I guess along with his other failings the author is an godless atheist.