Saturday, May 31, 2014

"All the News That's Fit To Print .... and more!

The Arms Struggle in Chicago -
(May 29, 2014)
The city of Chicago, bedeviled by street gang violence, refuses to give in to ever more restrictive court rulings against enactment of sensible gun safety laws. The Supreme Court’s misguided 2010 decision ended the nearly 30-year-long ban on handguns in Chicago. In January, a federal judge ruled that the city’s ban on retail gun shops was unconstitutional.
In a surprising act of Constitutional Defiance "The Old Grey Lady" (NY TIMES) has allowed its "Editorial Board" to issue a manifesto condemning the Supreme Court decisions, the rights of "The People", and the Constitution itself.

Instead, it lauds Rahm Emanuel's recent efforts to regulate the right of his cities' law-abiding citizens to exercise their Second Amendment Rights by legislative fiat.

 Instead of rolling over, Mayor Rahm Emanuel responded this week with some reasonable proposals designed to pass constitutional muster while upholding the city’s basic obligation to protect citizens. This time, zoning regulations would be used to limit gun shops to less than 1 percent of the city’s geographic area, with tight auditing of the shops, sales limited to one handgun per customer per month, a 72-hour waiting period to buy handguns and the simple videotaping of gun sales to deter buyers from using false identification.
[emphasis added]

The 'reasonable proposals' ... reminiscent of the satirical "A Modest Proposal" published by Jonathan Swift in 1792 (in which he suggested that the poor and starving Irish eat their own babies) ... which Emanuel has proposed  are that not only the legal purchase of firearms be so curtailed that not only may gun stores face onerous restrictions on doing business, but that prospective buyers also be limited in the free exercise of their rights.

Apparently, in the view of the NY TIMES Editorial Board, the term "Rolling Over" refers to acceptance of the constitutional rights of his constituency.   Defiance, on the other hand, means ... what?

It seems that the "Maverick" is honored in both New York City and Chicago ... as long as that defiance is aimed at the Constitution of the United States, and the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States.

The plaintive cries from the citizens of Chicago, who only want the means to defend themselves, their families, and their property from the daily assaults by criminals and drug dealers/users, are dismissed without comment.

 The proposals do not answer the full scope of Chicago’s gun problem since 60 percent of the weapons used in crimes in the city are traceable to legal outlets in surrounding states and suburbs with weak-to-nonexistent controls on gun sales. But they do attempt to stop buyers who shop in volume and funnel guns into the underworld.

At the same time, those 'reasonable proposals' offer NOTHING to address the problem of gangsters who daily carry and use illegal weapons in the furtherance of their illegal business, and their internecine gang wars.

In other words, Emanuel's "reasonable proposals" are aimed specifically at limiting legal purchases.  The mayor knows that he has no plan to stop illegal possession, but he will do whatever necessary to stop legal possession of firearms.

 These sensible efforts underscore how difficult it is for local governments to protect the public from gun violence when obstructionist politicians in Washington blithely refuse to enact federal laws closing gaps and loopholes in state and federal laws that feed the nation’s gun mayhem.

Yes, we understand "... how difficult it is for local governments to protect their public ...".

We've been watching the weekly news reports of crime, murder (both deliberate and random) and degradation for some time now.

This Gotham is bankrupt, fiscally; it's 'local government' is bankrupt morally.

Instead of seeing the problem and addressing it, the 'local government' has taken the easy road by obfuscating crime reports and refusing to respond to 911 calls ... or sometimes, even to answer the calls.

Did The Batman answer Gotham's cries for help?  No.  Instead, they got the Liberal Polician Man.

Rahm (may I call you Rahm?  You can call me MISTER Tibbs!) has no solutions, he has no plan, he doesn't even have band-aids.

What he has are "talking points".

In the words of our Texan friends, he's "All Hat, No Cattle".

THIS is what happens when Liberals try to run Dodge City.   They're real good about putting up the signs on the outskirts of town: "No Guns Allowed".

But they reveal themselves as incompetent when Dorothy Gale Emanuel discovers she's "NOT IN KANSAS ANY MORE".

Guess what?  Kansas recognizes and honors the Constitution.

Chicago does not.

Who has the major crime problem?


Mark said...

Israel stopped drive-by shootings by making everyone carry a gun. The libs don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Chicago is averaging 8 shootings a day. Gun violence is out of hand. There is no scarcity of guns in Chicago.