Saddle Butte Machine Gun Shoot:
The Saddle Butte Machine Gun Shoot is May 15th and 16th.
Every year we get larger and better and it takes a lot of volunteers to make this a safe and enjoyable event. Volunteers will be needed to serve as Range Officers, balloon/target setters, tee shirt sales, setup/take down (Friday 14th and Monday 17th) and gate/parking lots. Anyone interested in helping please contacted Allen Eriksen at (weekends phone 541-967- 4005). Please include your full name, phone number and days volunteering to work. This is a great way to get your work bond hours. Don't worry if you have little or no experience with Machine Guns. We will teach you everything you will need to know to help out.
You, of course, are not likely to volunteer to help out unless you are a member of the Albany Rifle and Pistol Club.
On the other hand, you should know that this event is taking place (happens every year, once in the Spring and once in Autumn) and that it is a heck of a good time.
ARPC members enter for free. All others, it costs the majorly big cost of FIVE (5) BUCKS!
There will be sub-guns and tripod-mounted guns (m-60 and the venerable Ma Deuce [video also here and here])
M60: 7.62 Nato caliber.
Belt fed, weighs about 18 pounds, fires at a rate of about 600 rounds per minute.
Belt fed, weighs about 100 pounds, fires at about 450 rounds per minute, effective range around 2,500 yards.
No, I can't guarantee that either will be there. I can only say that in past events, they HAVE been there.
What does it cost you to shoot it? My understanding is that you have to pay them for the ammunition. Which would probably be a lot less expensive with the M-60 than with the M-2. Whether there is an additional fee required, I can't say You'll have to go see it for yourself.
Personally, I'm planning to go just to get some really good pictures of people having a good time. And yes, if you have not ever shot a full-auto machine gun before, this is a good opportunity.
Oh, and there will be sub-guns there, too. We're talking the venerable tommy-gun and the m3 grease-gun, for starters. I have seen members of the Full-Auto club bring these to the range, as well as MP-5's.
Go here for more information, including directions to the range.

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