Saturday, January 09, 2010

National Public Radio To The Rescue!

Worried about whether you should be concerned about President Obama's "Public Health Options"?

Fear no more!

National Public Radio (the folks who exist on the sufferance of Your Tax Dollars) to the rescue.

NPR has published a satirical video which performs a much-needed public duty: poking fun at "Tea-Baggers" .

Tea-Baggers are the sadly mis-informed and mis-lead (by the damnably obstreperous Anti-Obama Racists) pawns of Conservative Scallawags conned into believing that Our Dear Leader would or could ever support a multiple-trillion dollar public program which offers nothing but benefits to the National Health for any purpose but to help American Citizens who cannot or will not purchase Health Insurance out of their own pockets.

And Dear Leader is ready to fine us Big Bucks if we reject his generous offer, you betcha!

I'm sure you are all as happy as I am to learn that America's Public Broadcasting System is willing to go full-out to support Dear Leader's Policies.

And remember, they do this not because they receive much of their funding from Your Tax Dollars, but because the care enough to research the issues and determine which side of the argument (Hah! Like there is another side in legitimate opposition to Obama!) is right for you.

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