Friday, August 15, 2008

About the Olympics ...

My television is connected to a Video/DVD player, and the power outlet in the wall. That means I am decidedly NOT watching the Olympics on television.

That does not constitute a hardship to me. I canceled my Cable TV subscription 10 years ago, and if I want to watch 'television' on a television I do so at SWMBO's house. We worked out an arrangement years ago where I pay for the cell-phones and she pays for the cable hookup. Also, we don't watch Home & Gardens TV, Extreme Home Make-over, or any show where idiots jump up and down clapping their hands while shrilling "OMiGAWD! I can't BELIEVE it! I LOVE it!".

(On the other hand we watched Lee Marvin in "Hell In The Pacific" last weekend, and my request, and we discovered that she enjoyed it almost as much as I did. Go figure.)

Sorry, I digress.

As a consequence of 'all of the above', I get most of my news from the Internet. Today, a colleague sent me the Olympics out-take of a "Women's Uneven Bars" event which I found very interesting. You may enjoy it as much as I did.

NOTE: This isn't the first time Mr. Hunt has performed a similar routine. YouTube has a plethora of examples, including here and here (both listed as having occurred in 1988).

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