Sunday, January 27, 2008

Happy Birthday, V.R.W.C.!

January 27 Events in History

Today may seem to you like just another Sunday, notable only for being the last day of the weekend following MLK day and [sigh] the beginning of another FIVE-day workweek. (Unless you live and work in France, in which case every week is a 4-day work burden -- if you can find a job.)

Thanks to "Brany History dot com", we learn that this is an historic day in many respects:
  • 1785 - 1st U.S. state university chartered, Athens Georgia
  • 1870 - After accepting 15th amendment, Virginia is readmitted to Union
  • 1880 - Thomas Edison patents electric incandescent lamp
  • 1894 - 1st college basketball game, University of Chicago beats Chicago YMCA 19-11
  • 1900 - Social Democrat Party of America (Debs' party) holds 1st convention
  • 1915 - U.S. Marines occupy Haiti
  • 1918 - "Tarzan of the Apes," 1st Tarzan film, premieres at Broadway Theater
  • 1926 - 1st public demonstration of television, John L Baird, London
  • 1927 - Harlem Globetrotters play their 1st game
  • 1941 - Peruvian agent Rivera-Schreiber warns of Jap assault on Pearl Harbor
  • 1945 - Russia liberates Auschwitz and Birkenau Concentration Camp (Poland)
  • 1948 - 1st tape recorder sold
  • 1951 - U.S. begins 126 nuclear tests at Nevada Test Site
  • 1965 - 1st ground station-to-aircraft radio communication via satellite
  • 1967 - Treaty banning military use of nuclear weapons in space, signed
  • 1967 - Apollo 1 fire kills astronauts Grissom, White and Chaffee
  • 1969 - 14 spies hung in Baghdad; Jews publically executed in Damascus Syria
  • 1973 - William Rogers and Nguyen Duy Trinh sign U.S. - North Vietnam treaty
  • 1977 - President Carter pardons most Vietnam War draft evaders (10,000)
  • 1988 - Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously approves nomination of Judge Anthony M Kennedy to U.S. Supreme Court
  • 1992 - President candidate Bill Clinton (D) and Genifer Flowers accuse each other of lying over her assertion they had a 12-year affair; Mike Tyson goes on trial for rape (he is found guilty)
  • 1996 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
  • 1998 - First Lady Hilary Clinton blames charges that President Clinton had affairs part of a vast right-wing conspiracy
Hey, that's the big one for us VRWC members!

An American Thinker article by Bruce Walker has the details:

On Sunday, January 27, 2008, our nation celebrates an important political anniversary. Ten years ago Hillary Clinton (then the First Lady) went on television with Matt Lauer and said:

"This is the great story here for anybody willing to find and write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president."

Thus was born the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.

Walker concludes with his own birthday wishes:
Happy tenth birthday, fellow members of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy!

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