Tuesday, September 11, 2007

2007 Croc Match - The Revolver Squad

It takes a special kind of person to shoot a six-round wheel gun at a self-professed "High Round Count" match.

When every stage requires fifty to sixty rounds to complete, and you're limited to six rounds in a slow-to-load revolver, this verges upon masochism.

Here, I have a 7+ minute video of seven revolver shooters, and even I have to admit that watching revolvers is about as exciting as watching grass grow.

Except ...

... I replanted some bald spots in my lawn last week, and every morning as I leave for work I look to see how tall the new sprouts have risen. Every evening, I spent at least a half-hour watering the lawn farthest from the sprinkler, and feeling proud that I have nurtured new life ... albeit slow growing life ... were before there was nothing but bald, dead dirt.

So maybe watching the grass grow has a special fascination for those who are of a nurturing nature.

Perhaps (although this is admittedly an extreme case), even watching revolver shooters do ten reloads in a minute or less will prove interesting to a few benighted folk.

It is, then, in this interest that I present:

The Revolver Squad!

Note: this video is available as an 18MB download from Jerry the Geek's Video Shooting Gallery. See the album, choose your preference -- the Revolver squad shooting Stage 3, or the 'Super Squad' shooting Stage 4.

If you're that much of a masochist ....

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