Friday, April 08, 2016

Senior Incompetence: Sorry NRA, you're full of sh*t. I quit!

(Because the NRA doesn't have an "unsubscribe with comments" option (and now I know why), I'm posting this on my own blog page.  With any luck, it will eventually filter back to the NRA.  You know them; that bunch of paternalistic losers?       Yeah, that's them!)

Dear NRA:  I quit!

In response to the recent snide comment that "Sorry Old People, you're incompetent" (or words to that effect), the NRA chose to defend what I suppose it considers its' Senior Membership by offering tips on"techniques." that members (feeble old farts that we are) can use when trying to remember how to shoot a firearm .. with supposedly limited success sans coaching ... rather than refer to the "Experience" or "Competence" which shooters learn over the years.

America's 1st Freedom | Carry Life | Senior Competence:
We also believe that genuine maturity—as opposed to patronizing intolerance, however glib—illuminates a larger front in the fight against such sneering. Those of us living in some part of a second half-century of liberty know nothing will preserve and strengthen the Second Amendment like the calm, confident, competent practice of same. The willed ignorance that frames every subjugational flavor of the “you’re incompetent to defend yourself!” argument cannot withstand the radiance of this uniquely American truth.
NRA, you bunch of  nanny doofus nerds.   why the f**k do you choose to "defend" us against an idiot?  You rail against 'patronizing intolerance' and 'sneering', and then on your website you patronize your members and sneer at the concept that we might just might be competent.  WT?  By your words, you have painted us with the broad brush of incompetence. 

Again, please excuse the word "IDIOT" in the ensuing monologue.  I'm trying to be polite, but sometimes it's just a helluva lot easier to say the work I'm thinking than to try to conjure up a more "politically acceptable" word.  Like .. Fuck and Idiot are really hard to avoid.  Y'know?

We don't need to be 'defended'.  Just f**k off and leave us alone.  If we were offended by that pimple-faced IDIOT, we would have smacked the little douche-bag down ourselves.  But he wasn't worth the effort, so we were willing to allow him to die a lingering death of indifference.

When you 'choose' to "defend us', you made "Senior Citizen" look like the synonym for "Alzheimer"!   And you made HIM look like someone whose opinion mattered.

Cheeze and Rice, who asked you?  This response from YOU makes it seem as if you believe the jerk-off's screed that "old people are incompetent", and somebody ought to be taking care of them so they don't forget to eat every day, or maybe they might shoot themselves in the foot.

Thank you VERY much for telling US how we should rack the slide on a pistol.  My guess is that I've racked more slides, cleared more jams, and fired more shots downrange in the past 30 years than your top three Senior Staffers have. 

 And you think it's 'a nice thing to do' when you DEIGN to tell me how to shoot a f&cking (sic) 1911?  You ... ********************* (well, never mind.  I'll calm down real soon now. Maybe.  Or not.  But I still think you should take shooting lessons from Tex Graber.)

I would bet my annual social security against your NRA annual paycheck (take me up on it .. please .. I need a new refrigerator Rolls Royce!) that I can perform any malfunction-response better and quicker than you can.  And I've done it more often than you have, in my 30+ years of IPSC competition.

You f&&king IDIOTS!   

I knew it was a mistake when I re-enlisted in your NRA enrollment drive last month.  But I wanted to do my paltry little contribution to "The Cause", and so I sent you money.  You sent me a re-enrollment form by return mail.  That was a little insulting ... but I don't expect y ou to see things the way the hoi polloi do.   Well, that convinced me that you were less concerned about my Second Amendment Issues, than your cash-flow.

And now here's this petty little Asshole dweeb who's nibbling around the fringes of the manger, and what do YOU do?

Do you tell the jerk-off that he has NO idea how competent a shooter can become after 30+ years of experience?"
NOOOOOooooooooooooooo ... 
Like a wall-eye to a lure you bite down.  Hard.  And you don't even realize what you have done after he has reeled you in like the brain-dead piscoid that you are.

And I'm paying your salary with my membership?  No WONDER I only rejoin the NRA one year out of five.

You people are f***king  fish who know no better than to bite on the bright lure.   That juvenile with his first year's fishing license hooked you, reeled you in, and you were proud of yourself because you were still FIGHTING as he bonked you on the head and dumped you into his creel and YOU ARE STILL SMILING!

SO, here's the bottom line.

Please discontinue my membership in the NRA.  

No, you don't have to give my dues back to me; I would be embarrassed to deposit a check with the NRA logo on it.  I just want for nobody to EVER know that I was a member of an organization which not only didn't think I was competent to defend myself, but in the process of (I guess) trying to "PROTECT ME"  proved the point of the jerk who made such a petty-assed attack on you and me.

Well .. it's all on you now.  Not on me.  I'm not THERE any more.  I'm SO gone, you never knew I was here.  Okay?  I never saw you, you never saw me.  "What happens in Vegas", okay?

Please just take my name off your rolls, please please please.  I don't want anyone to know I was ever a member of your patriarchal  (lame)  (incompetent) organization.

I don't want anyone to know that y'all folks bought in to that "old folks can't dance" thing, and even though I never asked or wanted you to defend ME, I'm pretty sure that somewhere, sometime, somebody is going to look at me and think: 

 "Hmmm .. wussie.  Can't stand up for himself. Has to pay annual dues to an "organization" so he doesn't get his feelings hurt:".

DAMN you all to hell!    

You have undermined my reputation, that of my friends, and of people I don't even know.
You have not only made me look like a helpless old phart, but you have made me feel like one because you took my money and then threw me off the back of the troika.

In case I haven't mentioned this before, if there was some way I could send my NRA membership card by email, I would give it back to you.  Since that's not possible, I'm tearing it up and throwing it in the toilet ... a bonfire is too good for it.

SO LONG, good luck, and thanks for all the fish.

J***y W. B*****.


Anonymous said...

What brought this on??

Anonymous said...

When he has severe RA at age 90, he'll understand then.

Anonymous said...

I believe he was referring to this article:
As I said in my previous post about severe RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis, in case you were wondering), he will appreciate those tips and techniques when he can't rack his pistol.

Mark said...

Wrong tree Jerry.

Anonymous said...

I fail to see the problem. That silly author needed a fisking.

Joel said...

It does seem a little extreme, Jerry. They mentioned - in a setting that could have been better chosen, I agree - that older shooters might want to change their slide technique. It's not like they sang a paean to Sarah Brady.

And BTW I haven't been an NRA member for decades - but I hope for better reasons than this.

Frank said...

I resigned my provisional life membership in NRA in 1995. ("Provisional" because I was 1 1/4 years into a $25/quarter for 5 years payment plan. IOW, I wasn't a full life member yet.)

I resigned because, after the bombing of the OKC Federal Building that April, Bill Clinton blamed the attack on the militia movement, in which I was involved. The NRA -- rather than stepping up and becoming a leading participant in the citizen militia -- wussed out instead, saying that gun ownership has nothing to do with membership in the citizen militia.

While I agree with that statement on its face, it was clear in context that NRA was taking the path of least PR resistance.

Rivrdog said...

To the above posters: you have all just fallen into a DEEP Gun Control pit of snakes. In case none of you follow any R2KBA sites, I will offer you this nugget: one of the chief devices the Civil Rights Deniers and their accomplices, witting or unwitting, have employed is to try to end the 2A for different groups. Primaty are US Military veterans, and this is the motivation behind attempting to get EVERY separating military member to volunteer for "PTSD" treatment by the VA. Upon a finding of second degree "PTSD", gun rights are terminated by "medical order".

The NRA is now trying to push older gun owners into a group which can be picked off to lose their gun rights as many vets have lost them. The NRA kisses up to the gun controllers as a strategy when they think they will lose a " reasonable restriction" argument. The NRA did this after the Virginia Tech mass murder. The sad truth about the NRA is that for all their political schmoozing, their bloated PR budget and their glitzy advertising, they are not as effective as 2AF, GOA or JPFO in getting the message out.

I would resign from the NRA myself, except that I am FORCED into their membership as a condition of maintaining my membersip in my local gun club.

By the way, people, there are technical work-arounds for severe grip-strength issues caused by RA. An obvious one would be to carry a revolver, which can be modified to have a lighter trigger pull and hammer-cocking force level. For pistols, friction material can be applied to slide surfaces. Some pistols are designed to be racked and shot one-handed. The 1911a1 was required to pass such a test by the Army. Hard-shell holsters can be adapted to one-handed racking by sideways re-insertion. There are many solution, but putting the elder population in a "special" class is NOT a solution.

I applaud Jerry for his stand against the brainless AND spineless NRA.

Joel said...

Rivrdog, on 'brainless and spineless' you'll get no argument from me.

Beyond that, I'm mystified. Maybe I'm missing it, I read the NRA piece linked, and I'm just not seeing in what paragraph the NRA is throwing old people under the bus. Yeah, they go on about how to grip a slide, and yeah that's pretty dumb in the context of response to that STUPID Gawker piece. But it's not the same as taking guns from old folks and turning them into Soylent Green.

Rivrdog said...

Joel, I didn't have to get by the title to be insulted. The very use of the word "competence" in relation to "senior" implies agreement with the nattering nabobs. It would have been FAR better if the author had NOT taken the bait of the gun-banner, but instead, he should have dealt with the subject of physical handicap ONLY.