Monday, May 04, 2015

Rock 'n Roll ... Aging America

Get ready to rock ‘n’ roll old age .:
President Obama proclaimed May as Older Americans Month, continuing a 52-year tradition since this month of recognition was first established by President John F. Kennedy in 1963.

The original article went on to talk about ... 1963.

Screw that; the folks that wrote it don't know about `63.

Riots (racially motivated)
Marches on Washington
Presidential assasination (I remember where I was when Kennedy was shot ... do you?)

I also remember where I was when the California Earthquake scared the crap out of my neice ... who was in Oakland at the time.
I remember where I was when the Twin Towers fell.
I remember where I was when the Oklahoma Bomber blew up the federal building ... and
      (I remember that there were little children in that building.  Do you remember that?)
I remember where I was when the feds were shooting citizens in Waco, and Ruby Ridge..

I remember where I was when ... oh hell, you can list as many incidents as I can.  The bad thing is, that I remember more than I would choose to, had I been given a choice. Amd yes, I do realize that Obama was not in office during ANY of these "incidents".

It's not HIS fault.

Fortunate Son, that he never had to deal with a REAL National Crisis.

This is all reminiscent of the 19450's and '60's/  Lots of Hope, but no real Change!

Except that Obama is no Eisenhower.

In his proclamation, Obama called boomers and the generation ahead of them: "drivers of enormous change." "They have enriched our nation and bravely defended the values we cherish; they have broken down barriers and blazed pathways for all who followed; and they have raised us all and endowed us with a freer, fairer, more equal world," Obama said. We should be proud of that, but we're not done yet. In 1963, old age was what happened to Grandma. It was a state most of us boomers couldn't even imagine -- retirement. Remember, the slogan, "Don't trust anybody over 30?
Oh, this is SO much bullshit!

Obama and ObamaCare ... need I say more?  This douch bag has stabbed "Senior Citizens" in the back, in so many ways, it's today an exercise in petty-ness to whine about the ill which President Obama has dumped on this nation, like a dog's breakfast.  I predict that he will eliminate Social Sedcurity /benefits' before the end of his term.  As if so many of us have not invested in that failed (FDR/democrat) failure to provide true Pension Security.

This dude, this dork, this freshman congessman who had the temerity to ride a smiling fac and good teeth had the temerity to not onl win the beauty contest which was the presidency .. TWICE ... has the nerve, the gall, the Temerity to say :\nice things about MY generation"

Spare me.  Please!

I do not wish our current President to say nice things about me.  Becauise ..... insinsere!

This sitting President doesn't like me any more than I like him.  He thinks that I'm cleaving to my Guns and my God, and that's A Bad Thing.  He has no more respect for the Constitution than I have for him.   All he wants is ... oh, never mind.  I'm not going there.

Just ... he goes his way and I will go mine.  The  best thing is that he speaks not at all about me and mine, and I will return the compliment by not speaking ill of him.

Oh, too late for me.  I've alreadg spoken ill of him, haven't I?

Okay.  Never mind.  I'll shut up now.

Won't he ever shut up?  I wish he would.  Every time he says something nice about my generation, I cringe and just wish he would ignore usl.

You know; like he ignores ... but never mind.


Anonymous said...

The 1960s. Music that will never die, still popular over 50 years later. Disco was the only music that could compare with and equal 1960s C&W and Rock and Roll.

Mark said...

Rock and Roll Forever!