Thursday, September 03, 2015

Stacy and "What If ..?"

Shining a light on the gun show - Las Vegas Weekly:

Las Vegas Weekly Correspondent Stacy epitomizes the Gun Show Quandary:
"You'll Need A Bigger Gun!"
I explain the scenario to him: What if someone is breaking into my home, and it’s dark, and I want to unlock my gun safe and load my gun and turn on my laser and make my way through the hallways guided by the red light for pinpoint accuracy?
Or what if I need the red light to help me see to unlock the back door and run like hell? Or to find and lure my cat to safety with a bouncing red light?
“Oh,” he says, pointing toward tables of heftier handguns and rifles across the aisle, “if you’re getting this for home defense, you’ll need a bigger gun.”
 Or maybe I’m just better off with a solar-powered flashlight that also charges my cell phone, which calls 911.
Maybe there's a large segment of America which hopes that Stacy never NEEDS to defend herself.

Anyone who can use parable to shine such a wholesome light on the whole gun thingie should be protected.

She's an American Treasure.

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