Sunday, June 28, 2015

Papal Opinion on Guns is like my opinion on God

On the pope, gun laws and hunters:
June 28, 2015
Last week, hunters took notice as the pope questioned whether gun manufacturers could call themselves Christians, and the U.S. president again suggested we start limiting firearms.
 Pope Francis said: "It makes me think of ... people, managers, businessmen who call themselves Christian and they manufacture weapons. That leads to a bit a distrust, doesn't it?" The pope didn't make an exception for hunting weapons.
,,,, every pope for centuries has been protected by an elite military force called the Swiss Guard. Though these defenders of his holiness carry swords, they also carry submachine guns, specifically the Heckler & Koch MP5.
I may have not offended my friends sufficiently with my last article.

So whether or not I am forgiven for my criticism here might be difficult.

World Leaders may be anti-gun, but they use hired goons with guns to defend their own person from anarchists, terrorists, assassins and louts.

(I had a piece here about papal assassination attempts, but you can google it yourself.  I'm not saying that The Pope is not subject to violence; I'm just saying that ALL of us are!)

Instead, an anonymous quote:

To Err is Human; to Forgive is simply not our policy!

Forgive me for a moment of hubris, but it is MY personal policy to consider myself as valuable as anyone else ... even if you don't agree with me.

I have the right to defend myself under any circumstance.  Realizing that I don't have a significant percentage of the world's population praying daily for my personal safety and well-being, I have determined to self-determination.

I will defend myself, since  I can't pray as fast as Joe mugger can pull the trigger.

Is it MY fault that I can't hire the Swiss Guard to defend me?

Oh, and when is the Pope going to disarm the Swiss Guard, given his espoused opinion on armed defense?  There are no signs that he has even considered that selfless decision.

That leads to a little distrust, doesn't it?


Anonymous said...

I think such people are called hypocrites.

Mark said...

As a former Catholic, I think the church has gone to hell in a hand basket. That is why i left it.

Archer said...

"Last week, hunters took notice as the pope questioned whether gun manufacturers could call themselves Christians...."

Didn't he hear? Bruce Jenner is now calling himself "Caitlyn" and taken on the title of "woman" (without abrogating the title of "father" -- go figure), Rachel Dolezal called herself "black" for years, and Elizabeth Warren claimed Native American heritage to get an "in" on the Harvard faculty. People can call themselves whatever they want.

So I'll call myself a Christian -- not because I'm looking for a false sense of identity (like Jenner and Dolezal) or entitlement (like Warren), but because I follow the teachings of Christ and the Bible.

And as such, although God will be the final arbiter in the matter, in my heart I do not consider the Pope to be deserving of the title of "Christian".

Anonymous said...

The Pope has also weighed in on the side of global warming. There must be something in the water in Argentina.