Saturday, July 12, 2014

"If This Goes On ...

Robert Heinlein wrote short stories and novels based on the premise: "IF the goes on ...." the schtick was to take a current (then in the 1940-1960 decades) societal or cultural meme and extend it to its logical absurdity.

Claire of the "LIVING FREEDOM" blog (aka: "Backwoods Home") wrote an apologia Friday and then wrote the article for JFPO, who published it today (Saturday, July 12, 2014).   It has since been picked up by many gunbloggers, but on the off-chance that you missed it ... below under "DISPATCH FROM THE FUTURE" is the link and the introductory paragraph from this apocryphal tale of a Dystopian America.

Also check out the background article: "Those nice people who want to annihilate you".

(NOTE to self;  start new Category/Label designated:  "DAMN! I Wish *_I_* had written this!")

Dispatch from the Future:
               By the Blue-Ribbon Panel on the Current Crisis
 BACKGROUND: Following the Sunnyside Nursery School Massacre and similar disasters, Americans in the mid decades of the twenty-first century realized that "NO GUNS" signs and similarly stringent security measures were no longer sufficient to totally eliminate deadly violence from society.
 Although the gun-rights movement had experienced decades of successes, Americans finally rose up and demanded sweeping reforms. Some notable pacifists called for the slaughter of all gun owners and the torture of any politicians perceived to be pro gun. Police chiefs threatened to have their officers shoot any armed person on sight. The nation was in crisis.    ......

[read on ... repeats the DISPATCH FROM THE FUTURE link above]


Anonymous said...

It will only lead to anarcy and disaster.

Mark said...

Very Heinleineque.

Anonymous said...

As much a comment on the destruction of the economy as it is on gun rights...


Jerry The Geek said...

Riverdog, you have a talent for understating the obvious.

Anonymous said...

Blame it on Bush.