Thursday, November 05, 2009

Out With The Old ...

When I started this loser blog five years ago, I was the fortunate recipient of the cutting-edge of blogging technology.

Since then, BlogSpot has come up with a lot of innovations, including an entirely new stable of template designs. All I have to do to take advantage of their free new technology is to convert.


Chilly wind comes blowing down my back when I think of migrating to a new software package. Blogspot (thank you, Google) admits that 'some' of my customizations may be lost in transition.

Can you say "Everything you have ever done will be dropped" children? I knew you could.

(Sorry ... Mr. Robinson flashback there. )

Fortunately, Blogger comforts me by saying "we'll keep a copy of your template for you". It's like "We'll keep a light on for you", and you know how warm and friendly a Motel 6 is.

I'm getting really tired of the old design, though. I've tweaked it so much that it squeaks every time I sign in, and the format is, like ... narrow. Really narrow, you know?

I mean, just look at me. I'm nine inches wide and 50 inches tall. Or there-about. I've got a 20+ inch monitor, and I see more white space than I see content. I can just imagine if the layout would expand to full screen width ... the current (old, really out-of-it) template assumes the viewer has a 12" (diagonal measurement) monitor and a dial-up connection. I would really love to move into the 21st Century with this hog.

It'll probably take me a few days -- more realistically a few evenings of my capricious "free time" to effect the conversion. That's without stopping for inconsequential interruptions such as dinner and sleep.

Might be worth it, might be a royal pain in the fanny. I've been thinking about it for several months, though, and I've almost talked myself into it.

All I want is different colors, the ability to expand the text area (main body), and maybe have sidebars on each side. Or not, I don't really know what options are available. They have pre-designed templates, you know, and I don't know what they look like until I commit to the change. I'm thinking about a white background, though. Easier to read black text from a higher-contrast background.

I'll try to give you a couple of days notice before I commit to this. I wouldn't want to disappoint my readers ... all five of you.

And if I'm off-line for a week or two, you can just treat it as if I'm pouting, or don't have anything interesting to say, which is the usual case with this blog.

Come to think of it, not having anything to say hasn't really stopped me yet, now has it?

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