Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Arnie and the "F-Bomb

Did Arnie (Arnold Schwarzenegger) drop the "F-Bomb" in an official letter last week?

Never mind the details. The facts are that a Liberal jokes-meister dissed Arnie at a dinner, while sponsoring a Liberal bill having to do with the Port of San Francisco. Arnie later released a statement refusing to support the bill, and some people believe it is more than a coincidence that the first letter of each line, taken together, seem to spell out the phrase:

"F - U - C - K Y - O - U"

This is, of course, mere supposition.

You can see the full text of the letter, which essentially vetoes the bill, here.

You can make up your own mind about the significance of the clearly accidental juxtaposition of the first letter of each line.

If the shoe fits ...

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