Thursday, January 08, 2009

Penn & Teller: Gun Control is B.S.!

You gotta love these guys.

Part I (9:58) "It isn't the number of guns that people have, it's who gets 'em.":

Part II (8:47) "Criminals are scared of people who have guns!" and "If you have a gun, you are stronger than a man":

Part III (9:20) " Every single one of these 'Mass Shootings' has occurred in a 'Gun Free Zone'. If guns are the problem, then explain to me why we haven't seen these shootings in places where there are thousands of guns in hands of literally at least hundreds of law-abiding citizens in places like NRA conventions, or the dreaded Gun Show"

and ....

"Another Gun-Control law, another ban, another bullet-ban, another Assault-Weapon ban, will not stop criminals. Criminals do not obey the laws against murder ... rape ... robbery and arson, why would they possibly obey laws against firearms?"

and ...

"Gang members like myself like Gun Control Laws because they're a joke. Gun laws don't affect the criminal, or the gang member. They restrict the Citizen. I can walk into your home while you're watching this show, and ... hurt you, with a gun.":

Deal with it.


In the interest of "Fair and Balanced, let's see what Kieth Olbermann has to say on the subject:

Well, there you have it. Who you gonna believe? In this case, the Comedians have it all over the Clown.

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