Sunday, October 23, 2005


Cogito Ergo Geek: MWG: FREE AR-15 Magazines

When I pulled into the parking lot at the Dundee match on Saturday, BARSOOM was standing beside the driver's door, staring into my window before I even got the engine turned off.

I rolled down my window . . . cautiously . . . and he shouted

Hey Geek! I have an AR-15, give me the magazines!
Well, you can't argue with such moral rectitude. I jumped out of the Geek Jeep ("Geep"), opened the back door, and gave him the unopened package of two 10-round magazines which MGE had sent me on Monday (I received them on Wednesday).

Because of the pre-match confusion, I arranged with BARSOOM to meet after the match and take his picture with the magazines, for the Blog.

However, because of the POST-match confusion, we both forgot all about it until the next day.

Unless he can send me a picture between now and then, I'll meet him at the GLOCK match at ARPC next weekend, and take the photo for publication on this blog.

I'm sure MGW will appreciate it, and so will Earthworm who was kind enough to inform me of the offer.

Stay tuned for Chapter Three in the continuing story of Barsoom and the MGW Magazines!

1 comment:

VileBill said...

Where's your Haloscan trackback feature? I wanted to use it for the post I put up tonight!