Sunday, August 30, 2015

Not that anybody wants to take your guns away, but ....

Why the US Leads the World in Mass Shootings:
(August 24, 2015)
Lankford says that the main lesson from the study is an obvious one: Mass shootings can be reduced if the number of guns in circulation is reduced, as happened after a spate of shootings in Australia. "I didn't come into this study with any gun control agenda—I just let the data speak for itself," Lankford tells Deutsche Welle. "Whether people are willing to act on it is another question."
Any suggestions, Mr. Lankford, about how this reduction might be accomplished?


Anonymous said...

Seems to me it isn't the number of guns that is the problem. It is the number of guns in the hands of criminals, crazies and violent political activists. All you have to do is convince the above categories to give up their guns, and leave the law abiding citizen alone. Problem solved.

Archer said...

You're assuming their goal is as they stated: to reduce the number of "mass shootings" and violent "gun crimes".

It's not. Reject that premise outright.

Their goal is reducing the number of guns. Period. The verbal emphasis (a.k.a. "lip service") they give to crime and tragedy is a smokescreen.

Here's how you tell: every new law or policy they propose -- every. single. one. -- affects the law-abiding and doesn't touch criminal behavior. It cannot touch criminal behavior (see Haynes v. U.S.: requiring a felon to register his guns violates his Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination, as it requires him to admit to owning something he's not allowed to own -- extrapolate that to criminals running background checks on each other). If it cannot touch criminal behavior, it cannot reduce crime.

"Gun control" proponents know all this already. And they also know that going after criminals is hard and dangerous. Going after law-abiding citizens is easy and safe.

Because they are disinclined to do the hard, worthwhile work, and because they consistently push for laws that only affect the law-abiding, I have to conclude that they are lying about their stated goal of reducing crime. Based on the evidence, I can only deduce that their true goal is reducing gun ownership among the law-abiding.