Monday, January 14, 2013

Obama Elected? Guns are Selected!

Americans Are Voting With Their Wallets On Guns, Ammo, and Concealed Carry:

No matter where you look, the news is the same--guns are flying off the shelves, bulk ammo can't be found, and applications for concealed permits are going up, up, up. In short, Americans have weighed in on the gun debate and the winners are the right to keep and bear arms and the duty of self-defense.

The news is the same all over:

Every time Obama is elected to his current Presidential Stature, Americans ... well, how can I say i t?

They freak out!

During the 2004 election, Obama was oh-so-careful to emphasize that he didn't want to take our guns away.  And for four full years, he kept that promise.

Do you know the difference between a first-term president and a Lam Duck president?

The former wants to get re-elected, so he tends to keep his promises.

The latter ... the "Lame Duck" ...  doesn't expect anything from his constituency, so he can do anything he wants.

Guess what we have to deal with for the next four years?

That's right: we have a man in the Oval Office who can do anything he pleases .. and he doesn't have to face the consequences because he KNOWS he can't get elected to the Presidency again.

If he so wishes .. he can impose (by presidential order, if nothing else) any restriction on our constitutional rights which please him.  It may not stand up to judicial or even legislative pressure, but it IS his Presidential Prerogative to open the ball.  If the Legislature and the Supreme Court don't want to dance to his music, then they have to take specific actions to abrogate his fiat;  they can't just sit back and let "the other guy: do it.  And we don't know just how difficult it is for the Supreme Court to countermand a Presidential Order.  (I'm not sure if the Legislature can stop it;  sure enough, it wouldn't be easy.)

Obama has watched as Americans vote with their wallets at gun stores, ammo dealers, and gun shows. He knows that every passing day without new gun control legislation is a day in which other news gets the chance to drown out the gun control mantra Obama sycophants in the media have pushed since Sandy Hook.

Isn't it funny?  Isn't it strange?

Americans have not often recognized that they live in a Republic, rather than a Democracy.  Somehow, they have got the impression that if their President enacts a rule/law/Order against the values (for example) which they hold most dear, then all they have to do is to Write Your Congressman!!!!

Sorry, Charley; it ain't that easy.

Way back in September of 2012, I encouraged folks to vote against the Liberal candidate by voting for the "conservative" candidate. Unfortunately, the "Conservative candidate" didn't look all that Conservative, so a huge number of Conservative Voters just ... didn't vote.

See where that got you? Are you happy with your 'opt out' decision?

You think I'm kidding you, don't you.  There are people who think that Obama is not only able, but willing, to use his Presidential Orders powers to circumvent the 2nd Amendment:

In a gun-grabbing scheme as desperate as it is wrong, President Obama is threatening to bypass Congress and go it alone via Executive Orders if legislators don’t move fast.
The sudden rush to Executive Orders comes as Obama sees the writing on the wall: the American people do not want more gun control, and the Republican Congress is listening to the people.
 If you are a person who genuinely cares about your Second Amendment Rights; if you an American who thinks it's your RIGHT to protect your family even if it means doiing something whic would otherwise be odious to you ... you need to take a close second look at your President and decide if that's the kind of person who you think should be making decisions about how you should live your life .. and protect your home and family.

Jerry The (next time I tell you to oppose "this guy" .. listen!)  Geek

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No one can fault our president for a lack of self esteem, or for having a small ego, or for under rating his political and de facto power. He truly believes he has a mandate to transform our nation and the power to accomplish his goals. So far no one has proved him wrong.