Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Sound of One Hand clapping

When Celebrities speak on subjects of which they have no personal knowledge, it's difficult to ignore the dual factoid that (a) she knows nothing at all about me, and (b) I already know more than I care about her.

Jennifer Aniston Is Teaming Up With Parkland Survivors to Speak Out About Gun Control | Glamour:
Jennifer Aniston has been one of the most famous women in the world since the nineties. But while the press was focused on her personal life and Friends fame, few established where Aniston stands on important issues. When you speak to Aniston, though, it's clear she feels passionately—about gun control, about our country's future, and about finding the right moment to speak out.

It's probably asking too much to presume that GLAMOUR magazine really cares about Gun Control; but they never let a quotable statement go to waste.  (Which is sort-of the latest Motto of the Democratic Party.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even beautiful celebrities can be ignorant.