Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Not On My Watch!

Gun shop owner thwarts possible mass shooting at Ohio University |

ATHENS, Ohio — A Hocking County gun shop owner may have prevented a mass shooting at Ohio University in Athens, authorities said. John Downs, owner of a Logan gun shop, refused to sell a gun to 25-year-old James Howard. Howard passed a background check, but he made statements that indicated he may want to harm himself or others,

H/T: Massad Ayoob

Local police think Downs may have prevented a disaster.


Anonymous said...

Or again, he may not have.

Archer said...

But, but, but.... The "gun lobby" wants to sell guns to mass shooters! They'll do whatever it takes to sell as many guns as possible!!! [/sarcasm]

I think we can officially put that false meme down. Like a rabid animal.