Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How much does it cost to Buy Oregon?

Bloomberg Spends $764,232.35 Buying Oregon Background Check Bill:

It was the Michael Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund that spent $764,232.35 in the reporting period covered, eclipsing even the Oregon teachers lobbying arm by $484,055.
There are about 800,000 Democrats in Oregon.
And about 110,000 independents.
Also, there are 530,000 "non-affiliated" voters in Oregon.

Versus about 650,000 Republicans.

That's right:  "Independents" and "Non-affiliated" voters total 640,000 votes.

So to beat the Republicans, you have to sway the independents and non-affiliated voters .. and only 10,000 Democrats.

[Demographics Source: Oregon Secretary State Voter Registration by County stats for July, 2015.. just to be fair]

Assuming (and these are gross assumptions) that the Independents and Unaffiliated split on this vote,
and that Dems and Reps split along party lines.. then the price of a Democratic vote is less than One Dollar American.

This is, of course, a bizarre assumption.  The dems are 90% anti-gun (cleave to the party line) but there are some registered Dems who have a slight tinge of blue.  So it may not be too magnanimous to say that you couldn't buy a Democratic vote in Geekistan for LESS THAN $1.00.

I'm just kidding.

The Democratic votes are already 'a sure thing'.  The cost of a Democrat's vote?  FREE!  Just pat them on the head and tell them what good boys and girls they are, and you can spend the rest of your three-quarters of a million dollars trying to persuade the 'Independents",  :Unaffiliated" voters.

Which, combined into a group, come MUCH more dearly than a Democrat.  And these people RULE Oregon!  (See below)

It's not Party Politics in Oregon.  It's ... how much it takes to sway the welfare queens in Multnomah, Clackamas, and Washington counties.  Those three counties constitute the Portland metropolitan area.
How many "unaffiliated" votes are available for 'Friendly Persuasion' in the three most populous ("Metropolitan") counties in the state?

Non-Affiliated Voters by County:
  53,000 voters in Clackamas
  77,000 voters in Washington 
116,000 voters in Multomah
246,000 unaffiliated voters in the Portland Metropolitan Area

$764,232.35/246,000 'unaffiliated' voters = $2,89+ per vote

These bright, thinking, caring and "unaffiliated"  folks cost Michael Bloomberg almost $3.00 a vote!

We are a stubborn bunch in Oregon, but  we're not cheap..
And when we are bought, we STAY bought!.


Anonymous said...

The people of Oregon must be an enigma.

Archer said...

Happens every election -- the same thing, every time. They start counting the eastern counties (with a strong Republican majority), and then the southern counties (with a semi-strong Republican leaning), and just when things start looking good ... Multnomah county starts reporting. And then Clackamas and Washington counties.

It's all downhill from there. There are not enough votes in any remaining uncounted/unreported counties to overcome the population advantage these three counties (especially Multnomah) have over the rest of the state.

Multnomah drives the state. Clackamas and Washington just drive the nails into the coffin of the rest of the state's interests.

But hey, at least we're keeping Portland weird, right?

Anonymous said...

Amazing, the motto of Austin, Texas (Texas' version of San Francisco) is "Keep Austin Weird". And, Austin is weird in a perverted sort of way.