Thursday, May 14, 2015

Antigtun Activist Advises Additional Archaic Acts Appropos Ammunition Availability

Sipsey Street Irregulars: Checking for chipmunks, collectivist congresscritter cogitates coitally crippling Constitution.: "Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman targets online ammunition sales.''

(1).   There is nothing new in this tactic.  Democrats have been using this approach for decades.
(2). Case in point:  Danial Patrick Moynihan proposed a 1000% tax on ammunition sales, in 1993.
(3).   Calfornia is attempting the same underhanded political tactics (too many references to cite ... you know what their tactics have been for the past several decades) and for the same reasons: the Libs think they are right and we are wrong, and they are determined to prevail because they are F*cking SENATORS, and we're NOBODY!

Why do these Libtards keep trying to undermine the second amendment?  Lots of reasons:

  • They think gunowners are potential terrorists, and so must be stymied by any means possible;
  • They honestly believe that any effort to advance that goal is honorable and worth-while, no matter how low, mean, or underhanded their method may seen to someone who does not share their committment;
  • Okay, I was giving them too much credit for honesty in that last talking point.  They don't really think that their proposed bills will make any difference to the crime rate.  All they know is that this has been a hot topic for years and years, and if they want to give the impression that they are "doing something" in Congress, they propose another anti-gun bill.  It costs them nothing, they get free publicity, and they have no expectations that the bills they propose will ever ... you know ... be seriously considered.
This is the kind of thing you read about in the New York Times every now and then  ... every week, now ... becauses the Metros that vote for the Libtards in that great unvarnished No MAN's Land  know that whatever The Grey Lady is against, they should also be against.

For them, it's politics as usual.

For me, it's another attack on my way of life.  And I'm especially offended that they make these attacks so casually.

(PS: Dutchman6 - alliteration count?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having an armed citizenry is dangerous for their eventual political agenda.