Monday, April 28, 2014

Oh, to NOT be in Chicago in the Springtime

PressTV - Chicago violence: 4 killed, over 30 injured:

 Sun Apr 27, 2014 11:29PMGMT
 Four people have lost their lives and more than 30 others have sustained injuries in several shootings in the city of Chicago since Friday night, US police say.
Easter seems an appropriate season to talk about death, murder, random acts of violence in the murderous city in the nation.

For Christians, it's a time to celebrate the resurrection of Christ.

For Chicagoans of every ilk, it's just another weekend when it's not safe to leave your house.

Four people have lost their lives and more than 30 others have sustained injuries in several shootings in the city of Chicago since Friday night, US police say.

Other later sources provide updated statistics:
(by Allison Geller; Monday, April 28, 2014)
Another violent weekend shook Chicago with shootings killing five people and injuring 35 others between Friday and Sunday. 
There must be a reason why Chicago is such a violent town.  Some people (such as the Chicago press), the finger are beginning to point toward Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

They link Emanuel's leadership during the Clinton administration to national policies which have glutted the job market in America, and especially in Major Municipalities.   Specifically, in Chicago, a million jobs were lost due to the NAFTA agreements during the Clinton Administration ... in which Emanuel played a pivotal role.

Frankly, I don't feel inclined to point the finger at Rahm Emanuel as much as I do toward the entire Liberal Establishment.

This trend toward defining firearms as "bad" and ignoring the societal causes of violence in general is distracting the attention of Americans away from the root causes of violence and, like a table-magician, making you look at the right hand while you aren't looking at what the left hand is doing.

Chicago.  Detroit.  Washington DC.  They all suffer the same problems, and their young men with no future and no hope are expressing their dissatisfaction via assaults on  their neighbors.

It's time for Mayors Against Gun Violence to take their eyes off the national scene, and look closely at the local scene.    They are not serving their constituents.  They have created a jungle, and then they look around and say ... what the HEY????

Look no further, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and it doesn't help when your "organization" becomes so shy that it discontinues its membership list.

We know who you are.  We know who is responsible.  You cannot continue to blame your city's problems against responsible, legal gun owners.  Passing new laws against guns DOES NOT WORK!

Get a life.  Get a job that you can handle.  Quit playing around with Other Peoples' Money, and Other People's Lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's nothing new. Chicago has always been that way, it's just that it is getting more national media attention these days.