Saturday, March 15, 2014

Other People's Money

The Smallest Minority: Bill Whittle 

In Kevin Baker's latest accolade to Bill Whittle, the message is that we don't have to be energy-dependent on 'foreighn nations' because HEY!

.. we have energy resources of our own, and all we have to do is to utilize them NOW!

I'm not so sure.

I've played poker (and badly .. expensively) and one thing I know is that  it's best to play with what was once portrayed [by Danny Divito] in a popular movie as "Other People's Money".

The theme in that movie is that 'you never play with your money"
.. and I think that's poignantly applicable in the field of .. who could have guessed it? ... "Big Oil".

We know we have huge oil reserves.  And in the current (and also recent Administrations) we have eschewed using "our oil".  Sure, it costs a lot now, but what happens when the Saudie and other reserves are depleted?

We are an oil-dependent economy.  If we can't get oil, we're at an economic standstill.  So, why should we use OUR oil when other nations, whose economy is reliant on sales to .. well, us?  What happens when their oil reserves are depleted?

We are screwed.
Unless we have oil reserves of our own .. which currently cost more for US to recover than it does for US to buy from THEM.

I'm all for preserving American oil reserves, for as long as we can.  There will come a day when we MUST fall back on our reserves ... if we have depleted them because we are trying to save a buck or two NOW, then those reserves may spell the difference between begging and choosing.

Personally?  I don't like the idea of America begging for higher costs of oil.  Read:  Gasoline, just for a start.

Ultimately, I would rather that the American Oil Reserves  be present when we find ourselves desperate for .. PLASTICS!

  (Segue back to Benjamin in the movie "The Graduate" where he is advised:  "One Word: Plastics!")

It's actually good advice.  We depend on Plastics now (for high technology) at least as much as we depend on oil (for transportation).

Think about it.  Anyone who advocates preserving American oil reserves, regardless of their political stance, and advocating for American independence.

And I'm behind that, all the way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our government over regulation and roadblocks are the reason it cost so much to extract our own resouces.