Thursday, October 08, 2009



That's how many "Hits" this website has received since it's inception in December 2004. Over a quarter of a million. (I've been watching the stats for the last few weeks, waiting to see the readership count top that mark.)

Actually, the blogsite started a while before the statscounter dot com statistics software was installed, but that's not important. The BIG blogs often receive that many hits on a single day.

Still, I choose to interpret this milestone as meaning that I am providing information which is of interest to more than a handful of friends and shooting buddies.

I think I could round up more "returning visitors" if I stuck to IPSC/USPSA topics, or even to "Shooting Sports" topics. However, my interests are wider than that. If you don't like to read humor, cultural or political articles, you still have the option of "voting with your feet".

I hope you stick around, though. While I write primarily for myself ("because I must!"), my original intention was to provide useful information to IPSC/USPSA competitors. It's just that I think IPSC folks are interested in more than a single topic. And so, of course, am I.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jerry the Geek

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