Thursday, March 12, 2009

What is it with March Hares?

There's a lot of maniacs out there, we know that. But during the past 15 or so years we have learned to expect them to 'act out' during April.

Mostly, this is because the homocidal maniacs slash mass-murderers in public places have generally chosen April (Hitler's birthday) as the best time to strut their insanity.

I may be wrong on some of the dates, but if I recall correctly we can place the Oklahoma Bombings, Ruby Ridge and Waco (reverse psychology ... it was the FEEBS), Columbine, etc. in April.

Perhaps the 21st Century Assholes have decided to advance their agenda. Let's look at March 11, 2009:

That's all bad, all the time. They're all mad as March Hares.

Even the "Good Guys", those which stop unwarranted violent attacks, aren't completely unscathed:

(This last story is most upsetting of the two. What happened to the Second Amendment? Nothing, it doesn't apply to your employer. OR does it? Remember the precise words?

" A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. "

Infringed by whom?

Does it apply to Congress only? To Federal and States Legislation? To agents of the State (eg: universities, who charge a student, faculty or staff with 'tresspassing' and/or discharge from employment or enrollment for carrying a handgun on campus, or to employers who discharge an employee for carrying a weapon on the job?

I don't know for sure, but I suspect it does. Still, this stuff goes on and Pizza-men all over the country lose their livlihood for protecthing their lives and their employer's small-change.

But I digress.

The thing is, we keep getting more 'anti-gun' laws passed to restrict the rights of honest men and women to protect themselves, but the March Hares keep on slaughtering honest men and women (and children) because the laws don't apply to them.

We still have "Gun Free Zones" (and "Gun Free" occupations), and the only ones who are limited by these laws and zones are the innocents.

This is the way it has been for centuries. Even with the advent of the United States of America, and it's constitutionlly protected right to "Keep and Bear Arms", bureaucrats and 'elected officials' have found ways to get around the strongest possible support for free men to defend themselves.

Legal restrictions, economic restrictions, 'safety' restrictions ... "If It Saves Just One Child!" restrictions. They're all bogus, they're all phony, and they all make criminals of honest men.

In the meantime, the March Hares are like wolves circling a flock of sheep, picking out the young and the old and the lame ... the weakest victims with the least ability to defend themselves.

The Yaks and the Gnus and the Elephants and the Zebras of the animal world know that the strong must protect the weak, but humans .... ah, humans!

We're so civilized, we emasculate the strong and then fail to protect the weak, thus making victims of our most vulnerable members.



Politicians make the laws. You know them. You voted them into office.

Why do they do this? To protect their own positions, by appearing to 'do something about the problem' while acting to make the problem even more unsolvable by hamstringing our natural defenses against Predators ... who, like The Poor, "will always be with us".

And not incidently, in doing so they encourage the Predators by insuring that they feel free to act aggressively, with little fear of retaliation.

Folks, I don't know why this world is full of Predators, but it is; always have been, always will be. The way to fight them is not to expect Bureaucrats to defend us. The only way to fight them is ... to fight them.

In the final analysis it doesn't matter whether the Predators choose to prey upon us in March or April. The only thing that matters is that a reliable personal defense is not the responsibility of anyone but you.

Nobody else.

Just you.

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