He refers to it as "just a placeholder" so far, but I'm thinking it will revolutionize gun-blogging because it will be (ta daaa!) a Video Blog!
Okay, I'm just supposin' here, but judging from the 'placeholder' evidence there will be a lot of quality content available in the future at this website.
I spent a little time at the "Placeholder" website, and one of the more interesting videos was a short interview with Bill Laughridge (Cylinder and Slide) who had built a "Browning 1908" in .45acp caliber. The interview, apparently filmed at the 2007 S.H.O.T. show ( and incidentaly titled The Coolest Gun 1908 Ever" ... get it?) featured Laughridge's Bespoke 1908 Prototype. It's a fine looking pistol, although I would have preferred it without the Grip Safety, and according to Laughridge it took 110 man-hours to produce and is available for the low low price of $8,000. He says he already has an order for 1908C&S#2 (my nomenclature; I have no idea whether it has a real serial number). If you want one, get your order in early.
Getting back to the main story, I'm excited about Bane's new website.
Doesn't matter. The only thing the website is missing (besides more videos ... "please sir, I want more!") is a Theme Song.
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