And yet the competitive season is going into hibernation, for at least the month of December.
Dundee's scheduled match on the Fourth Saturday falls on the 23rd, and it has been cancelled because it is just before Christmas. I don't know why, something about a four-day weekend and spending it with the family.
Tri-County has a match on the 3rd Sunday, the 17th, and it will be a Concealed Carry match. Again, I heard some talk about "shoot with your coat on". Why would I want to do that? My hands will be numb anyway. Since I've given away my 9mm, I have only the Beloved Kimber to compete with in that kind of match.
(SEE the UPDATE below.)
Well, and the Taurus .357 4" revolver. Enough said about that.
SWMBO wouldn't be interested in any match where she can't shoot an open gun, and she wouldn't make the drive with me just to watch and shiver. We're invited to visit The Hobo Brasser and his charming bride Spicy (she introduces him as her "first husband") after the match, so we'll certainly drive north for that. We haven't seen Spicy in far too long, and The Hobo just might have a drop of The Jamison's in the cupboard.
But we probably will take a 'by' on the match.
Does this sound a little like the whining of a small boy who can't go outside because it's raining?
Good. You understand. Very few matches this month, and I'm pouting.
The good news is that Mac is putting on another of his excellent Second Saturday matches at Albany. Covered shooting areas, bring your space heater, the weatherman forcasts light showers and fifty four degree weather. He said the same about today, and we haven't seen rain for over a week now.
More good news, I have received my replacement Aftec Extractor from Chuck Bradley at Shooter's Connection. I'll be installing that this evening after chamber gauging the ammunition I reloaded at my freezing garage loading bench last night.
Tomorrow morning will be three or four layers of clothing (the weatherman can't be relied on even to be unreliable) and a water-resistant shell over my levis. The stumbling boots will be filled with wool socks and smelly feet, and we'll be at the range by 8am just in case the match starts early. (As if ... this IS Albany, after all, with it's traditional 9am start time that looks a lot like 9:30 by my watch. Mac has made great strides in making the start time correspond with the schedule, but once a club has a reputation it will never live it down.)
My goal for this match: Don't DQ.
I kind of forgot that one last month. I think I've picked up a bit of a reputation, too.
Speaking of which, at the Pistol Caliber Carbine match last month, Jeff was reading out the shooting order and announced me as "The Geek" instead of using my last name, which I had put on my score sheets. I asked him how he knew me. He said "You're Famous!" Is there anyone who doesn't know I DQ'd last month?
I'm kind of rushing through this tonite. Normally I don't blog on Friday Nights, as I'm busy packing my gear to go to SWMBO's place, from where we'll leave for the match in the morning. But I've got behind on my blogging. Most of the week I've been spending my evenings editing videos from last weekend. Then last night I couldn't get connected to the Internet.
I spent an irritated half-our trying to talk to Comcast today. The service technician suggested that I unplug my cable modem, let it sit for at least two minutes, then plug it in and try it again. So I worked through lunch so i could do some shopping (had to buy another 2L76 c-more battery to replace the one I borrowed from Rick last month) and get home to see if the technical advice worked.
I spent the waiting period getting all of my gear ready to load into the car, then plugged the power cord back into the socket and cranked it up. It worked!
I feel better now. Not quite as cranky as I was earlier. I'm having dinner with SWMBO tonite, getting the gun and ammunition ready for another great Albany match in the morning, and now I'm caught up on the blog stuff.
It isn't easy being Geek.
UPDATE - December 10, 2006:
No, there won't even be a Concealed Carry match at TCGC (see the comment from Norm the Ungrateful). As noted, this is 'post-season' and between the change in administration at TCGC IPSC Discipline (Norm will be the TCGC Club Rep to the Columbia Cascade Section in 2007) and the CCS (Norm has been nominated for CCS Section Coordinator), staffing was not available to put on the December, 2006 match.
Note to CCS members: there is no conflict with Norm serving as both Section Coordinator and Club Rep. Mike McCarter has been Section Coordinator for the past few years, and was also IPSC Director at ARPC. He managed to serve both positions with competance and verve, and there is no reason to expect that Norm will have any special difficulties wearing two hats. We're blessed with an abundance of competent, energetic and conscious people in this section. Look for more news about the Columbia Cascade Section volunteerism ... well, almost immediately.
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