Didn't use to be like that, until BLOGSPOT had a spot of trouble with their hardware last month. Since then, if you try to view this blog with IE, it spreads across two pages ... or more, if your display settings aren't fixed at 1024 x 768 pixels.
Funny about that. If you look at an individual article it shows up just fine.
(*click on the permalink, which is a timestamp at the end of each article on this blog.*)
But if you look at the jerrydgeek.blogspot.com whole-blog URL, IE can't handle it.
I'm working with blogspot.com to resolve this problem, but I have to say that IE is the only browser so far identified that has a problem with it.
If you don't like it, I don't blame you. However, there are things you can do about your browser environment to avoid the problem entirely. (No, I'm not telling you that your browser sucks, even if it does; I'm just saying there are alternatives.)
This blog, and all other websites I've viewed, show up just fine if you're using a Mozilla-based browser.
I would like to recommend Netscape. I've been using it for years, and among its advantages is the ability to open new webpages in a new 'tab', instead of a new window.
If you're interested, Netscape version 8.0 can be downloaded for free here. Or, you can spend less than ten bucks and they will send you the CD for version 8.0, which has just been released. (I pre-ordered the CD-only for $6.95 last month.)
In the movie "U.S. Marshalls", Tommy Lee Jones told Robert Downey Jr.
Get yourself a Glock, and get rid of that nickel-plated sissy-pistol. Put that back in your suit and don't take it out unless I tell you to.I would never give that advice about pistols, but let me say this about browsers:
Get yourself a Netscape browser, and get rid of the nickel-plated sissy-browser. Put that back in your suit and don't take it out unless I tell you to.I won't be telling you to use Microsoft products when there is a better software product available. And there is usually a better software product available.
But don't get me started.
One word: FIREFOX
Firefox, NetScape ... I use them both and I they're excellent browsers. Both are based on the powerful and versatile (and open source) Mozilla brower engine.
I use Firefox at work, and NetScape at home. I used IE for a few bill-paying and vendor websites which were specifically designed for IE. Most of those websites have been redesigned in the past year, and now Mozilla-based browsers handle their https sites perfectly.
And IE doesn't offer 'tabs'.
If you are an IE user, you not only don't know what you are missing but, as Kevin can attest, you are now among "The Smallest Minority".
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