Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Surprising sixty-second analysis by James Yeager: IDPA vs IPSC

I don't usually discuss commercial training websites (although I do look at them), but when someone says something thoughtful, my ears perk up.

Here's James Yeager talking about the difference between competition in IDPA vs IPSC.

"First of all, IDPA guys take themselves way too seriously.   It's not 'training'; a match is not training.
(And I can't get into the goddam vest, I'll be honest ...)"
... and ....
"I tried to get up to MASTER  (class in IDPA) shooting "Revolver", and I got dinged for leaving empty speed loaders behind. (How ridiculous can that be .. it just doesn't even make sense)".


Ooooo-kay.  Here's MY personal opinion about IDPA, and understand I've never even SEEN a match;  I've just tried to read the rule book.   And here's the thing that turned me off:

There are too many rules.  
But "the one ring that rules them all .." is:  
(Failure To Do Right)

WHA .....?

What does that mean?  Nobody seems to be sure.
I'm torn between interpretations:  Either (1) Karma, or (2) Kumbaya, or (3) "Michael Row The Boat Ashore!"

(BTW, I tried for a while to search for IDPA RULES via Google .. even GOOGLE didn't like IDPA!
It took a couple of tries for me to find the website.)

HERE is where you need to go to view the IDPA Standard Classifier Stages.

As nearly as I can tell, there are only THREE classifier stages for IDPA competition.   They seem to be 'standard' exercises, and they don't seem to ever change.  So, if you get really good in the skill sets which these stage designs  require, you too can become a Master of IDPA!

Which doesn't necessarily mean that you can


Please note that it is not my intention to denigrate IDPA as a shooting sport; if I tried it, I might like it.  My friend, The Hobo Brasser, once claimed to have tried it.  When asked how he liked it, he replied something on the order of: "Ehhhhhh ... it's okay".

After further discussion, I interpreted this as meaning it's not as much fun as IPSC matches, and he didn't really understand the rules.

Yeager provided the meat, so he deserves his blurbs:
IDPA vs IPSC - YouTube: Published on Jul 24, 2013
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Anonymous said...

You have to give IDPA credit for the really neato vests. IPSC has nothing to compare to the vests. Failure to do right is a great puzzlement of a rule.

Mark said...


Anonymous said...

The rules may be why IDPA needs more range lawyers.