Friday, January 15, 2016

White "Men" more dangerous than ISIS?

Dallas Mayor: I’m More Fearful Of Armed White Men Than Syrian Refugees:

So it would seem that Rawlings is thinking of a smarter way to combat terrorism that doesn’t involve demonizing Syrian refugees or other refugees. I hope that trend catches on throughout the rest of the South. But in the meantime Rawlings’ courage to stand against Islamophobia should make his city (and all Texans) very proud. It’s just too bad the same can’t be said about the highest elected Texas official. Maybe that will change one day.

I'm trying to think of "white men" terrorists.
  • Navy Yard Shootings *(not white?)
  • Texas Army Base (Arabic?)
  • Columbine (Disaffected teen-agers, but still "white" and "male", if not "men")
  • 911 (weren't these  guys "white", as in "Caucasian"?  Islamic, though; does that count?)
  • Ruby Ridge (Hostage Rescue Guy Lon Horiuchi... "White"?  Was he a "Terrorist"?)
  • Boston Marathon (well, aren't Arabian males "white men"?)
  • Boston Bomber (oh .. it wasn't him)
  • The College Student in California who couldn't get laid?
I'm not sure, but I suspect that most mass murderers in this country (and others) find more incentive from their politics, their religion, their disaffection or their culture than from the color of their skins.

The point, which Rawlings seems to be willing to overlook, is that he is the racist.  He's not thinking of Syrians as "Islamists"; he's equating them with "people of color".  Why else would he be railing about "white men"?

“ISIS is no more Islamic than Nazi senior staff was Christian,” he said. He also subtly challenged Christian governors and other followers of Christ who have rejected refugees, referencing Jesus’ scriptural call to “welcome the stranger” in Matthew 25:41-43, asking, “Christ following people like myself — how do we deal with this issue of strangers, and are we going to let them in?”


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the mayor of every large city in Texas is very liberal and politically correct. However, Texas is full of wide open spaces and small cities. These are places that are full of folks clinging to their guns, religion and conservative ways.

Anonymous said...

Many progressives believe that the white race is the cause and root of all evil in the world.