Wednesday, July 02, 2014

"The Last Round You'll Ever Need" ???

Has someone (link at G2 Research) invented the ultimate "Self Defense Bullet"?   They seem to think so, and so does the author of this article on the Radically Invasive Projectile.

Meet the RIP round from G2 Research. Not only does this bullet look scary, it does scary things. It was intended to be used for gun-toting women against would-be attackers, and it’s guaranteed to kill anyone dumb enough to assault anyone who has this in the chamber.
G2 calls it “the last round you will ever need” and describes its effects as “radically invasive.” As you’ll see in the video, the bullet doesn’t just stay in one piece upon entering it’s target. The round uses its forward momentum to send the edges of the bullet ripping apart into your attacker. This not only puts a round into the target, it also sends shrapnel into various parts of the body as well, effectively destroying vital organs.

- See more at:

Personally, I give it "Two Yawns Up" --- just another version of the hollow-point, except that it fragments rather than expands.   The separated base of the bullet continues through as a mass for penetration --- with 'radically' lighter mass, which might be an advantage if penetration is an issue in, for example, an apartment building.

The originators seem inclined to bill it as a one-shot/one-kill bullet, and I haven't seen enough evidence to evaluate it.  (Video, and links to other videos, presented at the bottom of this page.)

Still, reactions at the YouTube site are mixed; a lot of people tend to consider this "scary" and "shouldn't be used except by the military" (note: does violate the Geneva Convention).

Blue Nation Review provides a little black humor in their social evaluation:

New Bullets Mean Certain Death - Blue Nation Review:
(May/June?  2014)

But if one Georgia company is successful, accidental shootings that injure people may become a thing of the past. That’s because if people start using their bullets, pretty much every person who gets shot will die. G2 Research’s “Radically Invasive Projectile” (RIP, get it? — because shooting people to death is hilarious) is a copper bullet that explodes when it hits a target (i.e., a human being) sending pieces screaming through vital organs and clearing a path for the bullet’s core to travel deeper through a person. This multiplies the damage a bullet can do considerably, and is certain to turn what might otherwise be minor injuries into major ones, and major injuries into deaths. And this is the bullet’s selling point.
YouTube's presentation (which also includes links to other R.I.P. videos) is rife with an ongoing barrage of comments from The Usual Suspects ... radicals all.   Which seems appropriate when discussing the "Radically Invasive Projectile" (R.I.P. -- "Rest In Peace"?)   That link also allows easy access to other G2R videos, which I have not viewed at this time.

So, is this Shooting or Satire?


Anonymous said...

In other words, much like the CCI segmented 22 rimfire rounds that are intended to break into pieces.


Anonymous said...

Why not just ban all bullets?